Nature has assigned serious functions to a man: to continue his family, to feed, to protect his family. Any of the representatives of the stronger sex wants to be sure of his masculine strength.
Once upon a time in Greece, aphrodisiacs were invented, which were used in cooking as potency-enhancing products. Perfumers use this word for their products, but this is just a marketing ploy. The actual scent that is released during sexual arousal cannot be felt consciously, which is why they say that love is blind.
But it is quite possible to increase potency in men with the help of healthy products and proper nutrition. The Greeks knew a lot about this.
Essential foods for your daily diet
Therefore, products that increase potency in men should be saturated with vitamins A, E, B. Vitamins A and E only help to increase libido, and vitamin B has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping man to be balanced and self-sufficient. confident.
As for the choice of products, the arsenal here is wide and accessible to everyone.
Shopping list
- Asparagus. A diuretic that has a beneficial effect on the prostate.
- Avocado. In Mexico it is considered a product with aphrodisiac properties, effective for impotence.
- Fungus. Sources of zinc and sexual energy useful for male potency.
- Wild rice. Tonic erotic dish, especially in combination with mushroom sauce.
- Caviar. Rich in protein, easy to digest, stimulates libido.
- Sesame. Contains vitamin E, very nutritious. In India, sesame seeds were used instead of meat. Mixed with honey, it was used as a desire intensifier.
- Seaweed and shellfish contain important minerals useful for potency, they contain a lot of zinc and selenium, which directly affect sexual health. In addition, fish oil contains omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are involved in the production of testosterone.
- The main fish on the erotic menu is flounder. And mackerel boiled with constant use increases potency and increases the number of sperm.
- Onion is a well-known remedy to increase potency in men. Onion seeds help treat prostatitis. In some monasteries, onions were prohibited because of these properties.
- Almond. Nourishing for the brain. It is considered a strong stimulant.
- Honey with olive oil. In ancient Greece, these products were consumed for breakfast. They are very useful for cleaning the bile ducts, the flow of blood to the genitals.
- wheat sprouts. They contain ostacosanol and vitamin E. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs, reproductive function in general.
- Snails, oysters. A dish of snails with oil, mushrooms and coriander relieves tiredness and stress. With problems in the sexual sphere, even doctors advise oysters. Oysters not only have a lot of zinc, but also those amino acids that help produce sex hormones. This product is recommended to be consumed raw, because. heat treatment destroys some of the amino acids.
- Dates. They purify the blood, increase the stamina of the penis, affect the duration of sexual intercourse.
- Pistachios and honey. Excellent libido enhancer. Walnuts are not only useful for potency. In men, with the constant use of, for example, pistachios, the protection against prostate tumors is enhanced. Honey with nuts or onions strengthens and restores potency.
- Garlic. The French, the Italians used their exciting property.
- Eggs. They contain a lot of protein, they are a libido stimulant. If you mix honey, milk, eggs, vanilla, then this cocktail will increase the sexual abilities of a man.
Proper healthy nutrition is the basis of the body's vital energy. No need to chase after expensive products, it's easy to pick up food for the power of what's at hand. From meat, it is better to choose chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal, because. fatty meat contributes to the appearance of cholesterol.
Lemons, oranges, and other yellow or orange fruits contain lutein, which serves as an activator for the production of testosterone and growth hormone.
Pomegranate is a powerful protector against prostate cancer, potency enhancer. Pomegranate juice is a natural analogue of Viagra.
Freud once said that mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, nettles, and rye bread have everything you need for male power. In popular herbalists write about the power of dandelion flowers, which can increase potency.
As for hunting, the pheasant is preferred here. But cockscombs are considered a delicacy in the kitchen of love.
In Asia, rennet (camel stomach) is considered a fast-acting potency product. Just 3 g of rennet taken just before sexual intercourse increases the strength of an erection several times.
Interesting recipes of erotic cuisine.
It is important not only to know what foods increase potency in men, but also how to cook them. Using everything often will not bring benefits.
Useful, too, should be in moderation. The composition of the dishes includes exactly products for potency, which increase libido, strengthen sexual strength and prolong sexual intercourse.
ancient herbalists
They contain a lot of information about what you need to eat to maintain male strength and promote health. Many people have this recipe:
- prunes - 200 g
- Raisins - 200g
- dried figs - 200 g
- Walnut kernels - 12 pieces.
The fruits must be pitted. All the ingredients were finely chopped, mixed and left on the glacier.
The mixture was consumed every day, 2 tablespoons, in the afternoon. It was possible to drink milk or yogurt.
Squid salad with seaweed
- Algae - 400g
- Squid - 400g
- Pumpkin - 150g
- Cucumbers - 100g
- Egg - 1 piece
- Salt, pepper, olive oil.
Cut the cooked squid and the egg into strips. Submerge the seaweed for 2 minutes in boiling water and drain in a colander.
Chop the vegetables and mix all the products. Season with spices and oil.
Italian salad with asparagus and grapefruit
- Grapefruit - 400g
- Asparagus - 400g
- Peeled prawns - 200 g
- Salt, pepper, olive oil.
Asparagus should be boiled for 3-5 minutes to crisp and cut into circles. The grapefruit is carefully peeled to preserve the juice. Mix and season the products.
garlic based recipe
Put 1 kg of garlic in a three-liter jar and pour boiled water over it. Close tightly, clean in basement or where it is dark, for 1 month. Shake the bottle periodically.
A month later, the infusion is ready for use. Drink it mixed with milk. For 1 glass of milk, no more than 1 teaspoon of the drug.
Consume all the medicine until it runs out. This infusion acts as a rejuvenating agent, cleanses blood vessels, improves hearing and vision, and increases potency.
In addition to products, there are many medicinal herbs, decoctions and infusions that are very useful for potency.
In men of any age, problems with the reproductive system cause stress and other health and relationship problems. Modern medicine offers a selection of many men's drugs that instantly increase potency. And lovers of high-quality and tasty food are offered a huge number of dishes from the cuisines of different countries and peoples of the world, which contribute to the growth of male power at any age.
The dishes of the so-called erotic cuisine are delicious and low in calories, because a full stomach does not attract exploits, including sexual ones.
Food is the main source of strength and health of the human body. It is important to take care of the diet to stay in shape for many years.